Saturday, September 5, 2009

Love Houndstooth

Okay this was supposed to be last weekend's post
but I didn't get the chance to snap a picture of it.

If you still remember my previous post on bedroom facelift,
here goes one of the DIY for my wall deco.

While spring cleaning the house for the past few weekends,
I found this old frame.
I repainted it in white, make my own houndstooth background
and sprayed the wooden letter F in turquoise.

Frame: Free
Wooden letter: RM8.00
Printing: RM2.00
Spray paint: RM 7.00

What do you think?


hidayahrodhi said...


Faizura said...

thank you G =)
more to come soon!

Unknown said...

f for fly...terima kasih susah2 je hehe

Faizura said...

fly: eh tak sesuai lah, dah la kaler pompuan =P

AzeanZea said...

mmg cantik n creative..

Faizura said...

azean: thanks.. byk lagi project mo dibuat, tp bila sudah kerja ni kan memang susah la mo cari time

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